It’s Personal

Kyla Harris and Lou Macnamara

  • Screening

Event overview

It's Personal, a BEYOND commission from Kyla Harris and Lou Macnamara, screens at Aesthetica Short Film Festival 2022 this November.

Kyla requires 24-hour personal assistance with everything from having a wee to making her artwork. In a hybrid-documentary/reality TV challenge, Kyla and Lou explore what it means to be a ‘key worker’. Setting themselves an ambitious task, Lou attempts to learn all of Kyla’s care in one week and if she reaches a level of competency, will replace Kyla’s personal assistant and they will spend 24-hours alone for the first time. This is testing for them both - Lou has previously prioritised work over taking care of herself, and Kyla often feels her autonomy is compromised when a friend is ‘helping her out’ instead of her usual paid personal assistants. Furthermore, although friends for years, Lou has never seen, let alone assisted Kyla with her necessities. 

It's Personal was commissioned by Film and Video Umbrella as part of BEYOND #1.

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